
Exhibition: New Nordic Luxury by SANKE

Installation Shot New Nordic Luxury by SANKE, Reflector gallery, Photo: Jolanda Pfrunder

Installation Shot New Nordic Luxury by SANKE, Reflector gallery, Photo: Jolanda Pfrunder

New Nordic Luxury by SANKE

November 29 to December 22, 2018, Reflector Gallery Bern

Andreas Ervik

In the exhibition New Nordic Luxury the newest products of the avant-luxury brand SANKE are displayed. The meaning of the Norwegian word sanke is «to gather» and explains the core competence of the company: The knowledge and tradition of the past are used to gather and process the natural resources for SANKE products such as birch bark, unfiltered spring water, soil and clay according to seasonal availability. These materials are carefully handcrafted into beauty and hygiene products. The connectedness with nature in its simplest and purest form, its healing and revitalizing force are the essence of these items. By reviving evolutionary principles of health, SANKE offers its customers the luxury of the experience of the body’s basic needs in unison with nature.

curated by Ismene Wyss und Stefanie Marlene Wenger

December 1, 2018

The symposium aims at investigating the factors that lead to the affirmative behavior of contemporary artistic production towards the func- tioning of brands. Taking the concept of “aesthetic economy” by German philosopher Gernot Böhme as a starting point, we would like to open a discussion among experts on how the aestheticization and commercialization of all realms of daily life affect contemporary art.

3pm/ Welcome and introduction
Ismene Wyss, University of Bern
Moderation by Marta Kwiatkowski/ Reflector gallery

3:15pm/ How to Build a Luxury Brand
Michelle Nicol, Co-founder and Curator & Rudolf Schuermann, Co-founder and Strategist, Neutral Zurich

3:45pm/ The Four Secrets to Building Your Billion Dollar Brand
M. A. Andreas Ervik, University of Oslo

5:15pm/ Post Digital Display. Visual Merchandising as Artistic Strategy
M.A. Stefanie Marlene Wenger, University of Bern

5:45pm/ What You Desire Is Not What You Want
Prof. Dr. Marcus Steinweg, State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe

This project was supported by Reflector gallery, Norwegian Embassy Bern, University of Bern, Graduate School of the Humanities Universität Bern, Samsung the Frame